Corner Garages
Corner garages can utilise a larger proportion of the ground space that you have available, and offer a better solution to having two separate garages that create an L-shaped footprint. As you can see from the images, the corner is a large space that cannot be accessed by a vehicle, however it creates a fantastic space for a workshop, gym or garden office whilst keeping the garage unit all under one roof. To obtain a price for a corner garage, please contact us for more details.
5 Bay Corner Garage
12.2m wide x 6.1m deep garage across the bottom, connecting to a 9m wide x 6.1m deep garage up the left hand side, to give a corner garage with 4 open bays and a storage unit with doors.

2 Bay Garage and a Garden Office
9m wide x 6.1m deep garage along the bottom with two up and over doors, connected to a 3m wide x 4m deep garden office on the right hand side. Note the third bay of the garage is only accessible from the middle door.

2 Bay Garage and a Store Room
Two separate garages on the left hand side, with a storage unit to the right hand side. This unit has been based on a stable design.